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Naming Ceremonies, A celebration of Newness and Hope.


Ella Jane’s Naming Ceremony Day 22/06/08

From the moment I saw those 2 lines on the pregnancy test I knew I would never stop celebrating how blessed I was, you (and your sister) are my hopes and dreams, my life. And once you’d arrived safely and I knew what day it was and what I was doing (kind of!)

I knew that I wanted to share this joy with my loved ones and officially welcome you into the family, the community and into the world!

“A christening!!” said the family “Nope” said I.

Now I truly believe in choice so I’m super happy for anyone who has their children christened/baptised and i am a god parent myself! I have many beliefs, but none are religious and so Ella can make her own mind up about these things one day. It would also feel hypocritical for me to stand in a church and go through the motions when it’s not in my heart. I’ve been to a lot of christenings and most of those were a precursor for the buffet!

I wanted more for my baby. So, after getting on the ol’ google I discovered naming ceremonies’ which in 2008 seemed to be more of an American thing but it just ticked all the boxes for me!

I started to write and create using the ideas I’d found and still included some elements you’d find in a traditional christening like a blessing, and instead of godparents I chose 3 people special to me and asked them to be guides/cheerleaders/mentors to Ella through her life. I read a beautiful poem as did Ella’s dad and Ella’s 3 mentors read something of their choosing. As i was the parent I asked my amazing sister to lead the ceremony from the script i’d prepared so that I could really be a part of it. We shared our hopes and wishes for her future. We spoke about how Ella’s name is so important and how it would be spoken by so many people in her life time. Family, friends, teachers, Drs, strangers ,employers, lovers, people she would inspire, and maybe one day by a partner at her own wedding, Etched on my heart forever. And her name will forever be a part of this world long after she leaves it.

Who will she grow up to be?

So much potential in this new tiny human. She is love; she is hope. And that's something to celebrate!!! We held the ceremony on her first birthday, so it was literally a party!! Despite her initial reservations, my mum (known to stick with tradition) had to say herself how special it all was and how much more personal it all felt.

Everyone who attended said they loved it and remarked how different it was to a christening.

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