Blended Family Parties

Families these days don’t always come in neat little nuclear packages.
They change, evolve, separate and unite and grow.
A blended family is created in different ways and can be trying at times.
There’s a lot of compromise and patience required but with enough love and understanding, a blended family can be a wonderful experience for all.
A blended family can look like step sisters, half brothers, step mums, step dads, mums new bf/gf, dads new gf/bf and can be a stressful time for the children involved in new relationships.
I have 4 bonus kids and yeah it gets hectic but I love my partner and they are 4 crazy extensions of him. For them I am someone who will care for them, guide them and love them. They just call me Selina but they are family in every way.
Something to celebrate…
A blended family ceremony can be a wonderful addition to a wedding or a naming day.
It's a fantastic way to incorporate all of your children into a new marriage/family.
To declare your love and commitment to them as you have your partner.
This can help them to adjust, build trust and feel accepted, and the great thing is you can have so much fun with it!!
There are so many exciting ways for the children to take part (if they choose of course)
There are so many unity rituals to choose from or you could even create your own! If you're unsure, you can ask me about rituals such as finger paintings, unity sand ceremonies, time capsules, they could even build your bouquet!
Whatever ideas you have we can write them into reality!
You can include vows to your stepchildren in the ceremony,promising to be there for them.
As your celebrant I can create for you, a ceremony that will mean the world to your children and really represent how united you are as a family...or team? tribe? crew? (family Von Trapp singers like us?) Whatever works best for you to be happily blended!
“Family isn't defined only by last names or blood. It’s defined by commitment and by love. It means showing up when they need it most, It means having eachothers backs, It means choosing to love each other even on those days when you struggle to like each other. It means never giving up on eachother” - Dave Willis